I first met Aly and Marc the night our car was towed. We met in our apartment complex’s lobby as a substitute for the Starbucks farther downtown. And they brought me a green tea frappuccino, since I certainly wouldn’t be able to get my frap on until our car was returned. It is safe to say I loved them from the start. Not just for the frap. But for the way they were so obviously smitten with each other. And for the way we just clicked. What has ensued since? A handful of dinner dates. Our dogs becoming best friends. (Actually quite the opposite… as Sully literally took an entire mouthful of fur right off of Romo’s back.) And late night Wii competitions in which I, Alyse, WON. (And I never win anything remotely athletic.) ;)
We are SO blessed to call Aly and Marc our friends, and we SO look forward to celebrating and capturing their big day when it arrives! And in anticipation of this, we spent a lovely Saturday evening shooting their engagement images at Buffalo Bayou Park. The two spent an entire afternoon scoping out this most perfect session location and they absolutely KILLED it. Huuuge thanks and all our love to Aly and Marc! XOXO!!
I know I’m a bit biased, but aren’t they just the absolute sweetest together?
Love the mix of country meets city skyline that the Buffalo Bayou provides.
One of my favorite things about Aly and Marc is how easily they laugh with one another. :)
Aly, you’re radiant…
Dylan’s shot, and I’m absolutely in looove with it.
Maaarc. Looking handsome!
See, Aly? I told you it only takes ONE second of making your serious face for me to capture it. (Aly would much rather laugh hysterically any day.) ;)
Hottness. And I simply can’t get over the eyes on this girl!
And we’ll end on my favorite moment of the night. :)
Happy Wednesday!
Aly - Alyse! They look AMAZING :) I am completely in awe that you are able to get such awesome pictures!!! We can’t thank you and Dylan enough for being such awesome friends and amazing photographers (car accidents and all). Also I just noticed that there seems to be a pattern with car trouble and getting together Haha!
Noël - Great job!!!!!