Much like my need for early morning cuddling and recounting every one of last night’s dreams out loud, Dylan needs coffee in order to function in the wee hours of the day. As in, NEEDS. As in, he IS the guy from that McDonald’s commercial. For a long while, his first coffee intake of the day was from the community pot at work. And because I’m not a coffee drinker, I’ve never been the token wife who prepares Folgers every morning. (I hear it’s not really “the best part of wakin’ up” anyway. But I digress..) For Half-Christmas, all Dylan truly wanted was a Keurig. A Keurig B60 Special Edition Gourmet Single-Cup Home-Brewing System to be exact. He made it a point to remind me daily, and now both of us are reaping the benefits. He gets his morning coffee. And I have a much more attentive and willing audience when explaining my dreams of pets turning into vegetables, or my becoming a real spy. No, really. (PLUS, it brews tea AND hot chocolate, so I really can’t complain.) Which leads me to January’s 1 For Me // 1 For You! That’s right.. It’s a Keurig! But before we get into all the specifics, how about a little recap on how 1 For Me // 1 For You works!
- What is it? It’s fairly simple.. If I have one of something that I find functional, fashionable, or just plain fun, I send one of you (the winner) a duplicate!
- Who can enter? Anyone and everyone. Mostly.. :) Please check the not so fine print below for full rules and restrictions!
- How long do I have to enter? You have until next Saturday, January 8th at midnight CST to enter. Each entry will be assigned a number, after which the random number generator at will choose the winner. Check the blog the next morning to see if you might have won!
- How do I get my shot at winning? *PLEASE NOTE: It’s going to be a little different this time around!* For January’s 1 For Me // 1 For You, we will be utilizing Facebook and Twitter exclusively. (You can certainly still comment on this post, but it will not be counted towards an entry in the contest.) Here’s how it’ll work: To enter via Facebook, you must first “Like” (aka, become a fan of) the Alyse French Photography page *HERE*. THEN, leave a comment on the page wall. EASY PEASY! As for entering via Twitter, just make sure you follow @alysefrench and then tweet about the contest including a link to this original blog post. An example: “So excited about January’s 1 For Me // 1 For You giveaway hosted by @alysefrench. For more info, visit! Pls RT.” And as always, only one entry per person! Meaning, you can’t enter via Facebook AND Twitter. Just pick one!
- But why? Because you didn’t end up getting it for Christmas, and you really wanted to, whether you knew it or not.. ;)
Introducing, the Keurig B60 Special Edition Gourmet Single-Cup Home-Brewing System! And without trying to sound too much like an infomercial.. This baby brews a perfect tea cup, mug, or travel mug (with its three different cup sizes) of coffee, tea, hot cocoa or any iced beverage in less than 60 seconds! Plus, its black/chrome exterior with blue backlit LCD are just plain classy. This Keurig model also allows for programmable water temperature AND an auto on/off. Do you want it yet? :)Here you can better see the Keurig‘s 48 oz. water reservoir. So, although it only brews one cup at a time, you can actually brew several right in a row! (Mug not included. ;) But its from Target, should you like.)
Doin’ its thang! After a K-Cup portion pack is inserted (more on that with the following image) you just lower the handle and choose your cup size!
The Keurig Home-Brewing System also comes with a bonus 12 K-Cup variety pack to get you started! This includes numerous different types of coffee, tea, and cocoa! YUM.
And might I add, Keurig KILLED their branding? Awesome.
There you have it! One for me, and one for you!
*REMINDER* COMMENTING ON THIS POST WILL NOT ENTER YOU INTO THE GIVEAWAY. So remember! Like (fan) the Alyse French Photography Facebook page and leave a comment on the page wall OR follow and tweet @alysefrench while linking back to this post to enter! :)
pam - SUCH a great giveaway! I’d LOVE LOVE this, I’m a coffe-holic :)
Athena - What a great giveaway! I’m so excited to have a chance to win one of these. I tweeted about the giveaway. Thanks!
Meghan Stang - Such a great giveaway, I put it in my Facebook status :)
Charlene - Awesome giveaway, Alyse! Fun and generous!
Lori - Awesome giveaway! Thanks!
Carol Klaman - this is an awsome contest, with a great prize
Jesslyn Amber - AMAZING giveaway! I love coffee!!!
Mary Elderton - This is a great product and your photography is breathtaking.
Karns - I “liked” you on Facebook!
Debbie McCluer - I love coffee, this is great for just two people.
fay l zeigler - love this contest waiting
Cindy - Like you on FB.
Elizabeth Watwood - Awesome giveaway! Thanks!
Kiara - I love coffee!
Toby K - Following you on twitter. Tweet:
Penny Snyder - Left a comment on your Facebook page – would love to win this!!
Rodney Crosno - my wife and daughter loves coffee
Christina Shippey - What a great giveaway!! My husband would pretty much love me forever if I won this!!! :)
Joan Nash - Like your site
Katie Walker - I like you on facebook!
Melanie B - FB at melanie b and commented
Birdie S. - I LIKE U on FB & left a comment ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Sarah - I commented and like your FB page! Beautiful work by the way!
sugardipes1 at aol dot com
Ashley Gatewood - Thank you! I’d love to win I tweeted the giveaway!/shuggysmommy/status/22347269986582528
keith reardon - thanks for having such a great contest
evelyn - sounds incredible
Tidbit Tuesday #56 | Alyse French Photography | Houston-Based Wedding and Lifestyle Photographer - […] you checked out January’s 1 For Me // 1 For You yet? If you like coffee, cocoa or tea, I suggest you don’t miss it! […]
Angela L. - My mom has a Keurig, and I’ve always been so jealous!! :) Thanks so much for hosting the giveaway.
I follow you on Twitter and I tweeted:!/lasiteral/status/22367289223421952
Angela L.
lasitera at yahoo dot com
Marie - I love you work! I entered via Facebook but decided to follow you on Twitter “just because” and I love photography and dabbled in it for awhile before digital cameras came out. Still learning the ins and outs of the digital camera world. ; )
Katherine - Liked on FB and commented! :)
Heather S - tweet
Karil Whetstone - coffee please!
Julie - I’m a follower on twitter and I tweeted! =0)!/JujuCast/status/22498511983480833
bthe84 at yahoo dot com
Megan - I tweeted about your contest. Oh and lol at the McDonalds commercial, I thought I was the only one :)
Misfit Momma aka Missy - I followed you and tweeted!
Doris - I want one soooo bad for about a year now!! Tweeting @dewinner
Jennifer Fontaine - I Love the idea of this! Everyone in the family can choose what they want to drink, no wasted full pot of coffee!
Amy T - Followed you on Facebook thanks
Kristen S - This looks amazing!
Jessica - This is an amazing giveaway!!!! Im a facebook follower!
Connie - I would so love to win this! The very thought of waking up in the morning and looking forward to a delicious cup of coffee makes my mouth water. Following on twitter as @ChicgoStyleInfo
Julie Goble - I’ve been wanting one of these for a while now! Thanks for the giveaway chance!
Tabathia B - liked u on fb (michelle b)& posted msg on wall
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Ai Mei - This Keurig looks fantastic! The photos are beautiful as well. Would love to have this instead of wasting potfulls of coffee. I like the Alyse French Photography on Facebook (as Ssbucks Saving) and commented there too :)
Jill - What a great giveaway!! Hope I win :)
Jeaneen Richard - I love coffee and would love to win this since I’ve wanted one for a really long time.
Tanya ~ The Chatty Mom - Thanks for listing this in my monthly Giveaway Link-Up! I’ve entered on FB and have my fingers crossed! :) ***LOVE your photography!!***
Jaque R. - I like the Alyse French Photography Facebook page and left a comment on their page wall! :-) (Jaque Richards) Thank you.
Stacey Ayers - I can already smell the coffee! Can’t you?
ShowMeMama - I like the Alyse French Photography Facebook page and left a comment on their page wall!
Doris - Tweeted
Jill L - Follow you on Twitter and tweeted!/chipdip2010/status/23439904197316608
Colleen - Love your photos! Going to enter now via twitter. Thanks!
Diane - Who, other than Dylan, LOVES coffee more than anyone you know? Your Mom. Yeah, Yeah…I know I can’t need new rules for your give-aways! hahahahahah
Kat Emerick - Thank you for a great giveaway!
Grace - Left a message about this awesome giveaway on your facebook wall!/GiveawayswithGrace/posts/479334695845
Theresa - following you on twitter and tweeted @marison459
Shaunda Eppes - Tweet:!/Timshaun291/status/23625070089867264
Shaunda.Eppes at gmail dot com
Lorrie - I tweeted about your giveaway. I wasn’t sure where you wanted the url though, so I am posting it here.!/pinklady705/status/23696139484139520
Renee Taylor - like on facebook as nicjosemm c and wrote on wall
Sunshine H - AMAZING!!!!! I am following, Like…EVERYTHING for this one!!! this will complete my list to Santa…He fell short a bit this year! lol Amen it’s 2011!!!
Steven Anderson - I tweeted at!/kneelb4god. Thanks and good luck everyone.
Erin G - Liked and commented on FB (Erin Greenup)
heatherzilla -
James Coyne - I follow you and tweeted!/JCoyne1031/status/23879615072182272
valancia - George would go gaga for a Coffee maker
Kelly D - Thanks for this giveaway- I commented and Liked your FB page.
Gwennie - Tweeted:
Debra Hall - that coffee maker is so nice
Aaron B from IL - Tweeted about this giveaway.
Tanya - Following you on Twitter: Alfaguara13 and twitted about this giveaway:!/Alfaguara13/status/23929952239882241
email: termakova at hotmail dot com
Lindsay Kukla - This prize is AWESOMEEE!!! <3
anna t. - like on facebook as anna t.
Richard T. - like on facebook as Richard T.
R Hicks - I liked you and left wall comment
rich hicks!/permalink.php?story_fbid=479857215845&id=536212900
ardy22 at earthlink dot net
janet - I follow u on twitter and tweeted your awesome giveaway:)
Georgia - Liked you on FB and follow you on Twitter and tweeted here
gmissycat at yahoo dot com
Thanks for the great giveaway!
1 For Me // 1 For You | January 2011: WINNER ANNOUNCED!! | Alyse French Photography | Houston-Based Wedding and Lifestyle Photographer - […] by the Keurig. And then? All was well with the world. :) Which brings me to this month’s 1 For Me // 1 For You! Can I just say that you guys blow me away? For this month’s Keurig giveaway, 209 of you […]
Maopa@Luscious Deals - Thanks for linking up..I love the pics! I don’t drink coffee but that looks like an awesome machine to have:) Happy Wednesday!