My entire college career was spent admiring her work from afar. She was, you know, the photog with that pretty ML logo. The girl who was friends with all my other friends. The friends who persistently asked each of us if we’d ever met. Because after all, it was pretty darn obvious that we should be friends too.
It was during my senior year that we found our friends to be correct. I met Mabyn for the first time when having a consultation with her for our own wedding photography. (That’s right, the infamous Mabyn Ludke shot our wedding!! And you can see it here!) Right then and there, sitting in a booth at Bubble Tea on Marshall Street, laughing much too loudly, and likely outstaying our welcome, we realized we are basically the same person. Right then and there, we became friends. And I am so incredibly thankful.
Fast forward to June… When Mabyn blogged our images, she wrote about the pressure she felt shooting another wedding photographer’s big day. I laughed in total confidence in her artistic vision and competence with all things technical. But when she asked me to shoot her new headshots just a couple short weeks ago, I totally knew how she’d felt. On a much smaller scale of course, but still, I knew. :) Mabyn and I spent last Wednesday afternoon shooting at The Aurora Inn and E.B. Morgan House, some new FAVE venues, and as per usual, laughing much too loudly.
Mabs – I LOOOVE YOU! Thank you so much for the honor of shooting your beautiful self! Let’s be friends forever, mkay? ;) Enjoy! XOXO!!
The E.B. Morgan House was incredible! And it totally fit the aesthetic we were going for.
Isn’t she adorable? Just love her!!
Oh Mabyn, you make my job waaay too easy. :)
Two of my favorites!
LOVED this old camera Mabyn brought along to play with!‘s synonyms for “beautiful” ain’t got nothin’ on you. Believe me, I looked.
Doesn’t she strike you as the editor of some super chic magazine?
MMMM. Yes.
We then shot around outside the The Aurora Inn. Also, a HUGE thank you to Miss Heather Davidson, the wedding and events coordinator for both venues, for letting us in/out and hanging out with us all day! We love you, Heather!! :)
It was FREEZING. But mah girl was a champ.
Giiiirl. She worked it.
I then enticed Mabyn to take off her jacket for a few minutes. I do believe it was worth it!
NEED that cardigan!
Dear Mabyn, please do not kill me for posting these. K, great. :)
Don’t let her modelesque-self trick you. She can also be rather silly. Hence, our friendship. :)
And the last of them…
Happy Thursday y’all!!
mabyn - Alyse, you are ridiculously amazing! These have surpassed my expectations! I don’t think i’ve ever loved so many pictures of myself! Does that make me a narcissist?! No…It just means you’re PHENOMENAL! I wish I could squeeze you right now!! Thank You! Thank You!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxo <3 <3 <3 <3
Alanna - Aurora is such a cute little town to live in :) Glad you found it!
Donna - Alyse!!! You did such a great job capturing the essence of Mabyn!!! But, of course you would! You’re Alyse French…Umm..Morrissey. So, since Mabyn will be in my Wedding, I think you should be my Photog? K? Great thanks. That is all. xoxo
PS- I loved them all but the fourth photo in, I had to just stop and stare at the beauty of one of my besties! :) OK. Carry on. :)
Kat - The very last photo is my hands down favorite. It is SOOOO cute!
Hannah - LOVE them!! these are SO fabulous!!! Mabyn, you are gorgeous :)
stephanie - eeeeee Alysiie these are fab!
Maybs you look great! And i love your purple coat =)
kathy le - i’m an (almost) 17 year old living in syracuse, new york and these images look fantastic! i’m going to run a google of mabyn’s photography i’m already so excited!!! <3
101 in 1001: An Update! | Alyse French Photography | Houston-Based Wedding and Lifestyle Photographer - […] 29) Photograph somebody that I admire. I actually crossed this off my list just two weeks ago. My own wedding photographer extraordinaire, Mabyn Ludke, asked me to shoot some new promos of her for her upcoming website revamp! To see more of Mabyn, click *HERE*. […]