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Tidbit Tuesday #47 (The YOU Version!!)

Today is a very special day for Alyse French Photography, though you wouldn’t realize it if I hadn’t said anything. You see, tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of Tidbit Tuesday!! Again, you wouldn’t know it since technically this should be Tuesday #52, not #47. But remember all those Tuesdays I was either getting married or out of the country with little internet access? Yeah.. :) In honor of this new holiday, I thought it would be fun to turn the tables! SO! Leave a tidbit or two about YOUR life in the comment section. And be as random as you absolutely can! You know that’s my specialty, and I’d LOVE to know a little more about you all! :)

Given this one year anniversary, there have definitely been some recent Tuesday’s I’ve woken up and thought, “Good GAWSH, I have nothing left to say.. Is it possible I’ve written everything the Internet could EVER care to know about me and my silly habits, AWESOME jokes, and  erratic musings?” That is.. Until I hit “Publish” and realize I’ve word-vomited all over the page. Just as silly, AWESOME, and erratic as ever. ;) At least, I hope so…

Does anybody know if Flintstones Push Ups are still in production? I’ve got a mean hankering for some comfort food from my childhood! Can I get a WORD?

Facebook has stopped sending notifications to my email. Out of the blue. And I have to say, it is the sweetest bliss. Imagine a place where your email inbox stores ACTUAL emails, rather than “Oswald Carmichael also commented on Bertha Cunningham’s photo.” You know… Because Bertha just had a baby and literally everyone with a Facebook account is about to comment on the SAME picture you did. If there is one thing I’ve learned, it’s to never comment on photos or statuses about new babies, new relationships, or controversy of any sort. Because, trust me.. You will never hear the end of it. But I digress. Naturally. :)

Sometimes I really want blonde hair. I was born a blonde, but it only lasted about 8 years before my follicles changed their little minds. I’ve considered coloring my hair countless times. Not necessarily blonde, but really any other color but my own. But I’ve always had this weird fear that hair dye will somehow make me look like Einstein. Sadly, I’m a girl who’s never colored her hair, let alone had highlights or low-lights of any sort. But it’s not for lack of wanting to! Any thoughts? Should I take the plunge?

Dylan referred to us as the Morrissey’s the other day. WEIRD. It took me about an hour to realize he was talking about us and not his grandparents…

Speaking of Dylan’s family.. The extended Morrissey clan has this tradition of celebrating “Christmas Christmas.” Essentially, Christmas Christmas is a holiday all its own, celebrated the day after Christmas each year. Among other things, it’s a full day of brunch, dinner, gifts, games, and initiating Dylan’s new girlfriend (named Alyse) into the family by asking her all sorts of revealing and semi-embarrassing questions. ;) Really though, I think it’s safe to say Christmas Christmas is a bigger deal than Christmas itself for the Morrissey’s. Which brings me to..

HALF CHRISTMAS! Dylan and I will be celebrating our own Christmas on December 12th, since I’ll be flying out a few days later to spend some extra time with my family until Dylan flies out to meet me for all the French/Morrissey festivities. It feels so strangely adult-like to be starting this tradition, since we will likely be traveling home for Christmas for a long time to come. And ya’ll know I’ll use any excuse to celebrate, so why not add in a Half Christmas before Christmas and Christmas Christmas. :)

And finally, I leave you on this beautiful 47th Tuesday, with a picture Dylan took of me the other day. Silly and random, but that’s just me..

REMEMBER – Leave your tidbits below! Can’t wait to read them all! :)

Happy Tuesday!

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  • November 2, 2010 - 11:26 AM

    Randi-Michelle - A few random things – because you KNOW I can’t limit myself to just one! 1) I am the only person I know who HATES syrup, and one of the only people I know who HATES ketchup and mayonnaise. 2) I own several traditionally “guy” things in pink including but not limited to pocket knives, fishing poles, mud boots – complete with wedge heels, and ear muffs for going to the shooting range. For some reason having these things in pink makes me feel like it is ok to have them because they are more girlie. Which leads me to 3) although I’m not a girlie girl, but I have a strange fear of being thought of as a “tom boy”. And finally – I’ve read The Scarlett Letter once a year since I was 10.

    BTW – WORD on the Flinstones push-ups. If you find them let me know!

  • November 2, 2010 - 11:30 AM

    stephanie - Lysiie! Guess what. I had multigrain cheerios for breakfast…with soy milk. Because it’s yummy and healthy, or so I’ve heard. Also, I’m going to the Apple store today to hopefully get my poor little computer fixed. It’s been all weird and the screen turns green & freezes every few hours. Didn’t you have that problem once? What did you end up doing? Hmm, what else (I’m trying to make these tidbits really good/funny) Oh, I’m going to NYC over Thanksgiving break! Wanna come? We could do a photo shoot! (Duh) =) K, that’s all. You’re great. And I like your boots. K, love you. K, bye. <3Stephiie

  • November 2, 2010 - 11:32 AM

    Denise - Yes, i have seen the Flinstone push-up pops…Of course it was about a year ago…So, i guess they are still in production

  • November 2, 2010 - 11:51 AM

    Mischelle Morgan - Tidbit-I had Camples Spagahetti cold from the can for breakfast this morning-Hey dont judge-This was in the midst of completing a 10-11 page research paper due by noon for peer review that I just started writting umm-yesterday-yeah! In my defense, I had done the research and was under the mis-guided information that rough drafts were due to the instructor between Nov 5 to the 9th.(which they are)No one mentioned the peer reviews till yesterday A.M.! But I got it done WORD!!!

    Have an amazing Tidbit Tuesday and Happy Anniversary! Do something crazy to celebrate! Mischelle

  • November 2, 2010 - 11:54 AM

    Diane - 1) I once ate a whole jar of hot peppers when I was pregnant and ended up having a very interesting child…just sayin’ 2)I was a cheerleader in High School and can still get within 3 inches of doing a complete split 3)I love McDonalds french fries dipped in their vanilla ice cream cone 4)I didn’t travel by air until I was 45 yrs. old 5)daisies are my favorite flower…ok…bye…wanna ride bikes??

  • November 2, 2010 - 12:11 PM

    Jessica Z - So even though I SHOULD be downstairs switching my laundry from the washer to the dryer, I just HAD to comment on this Tidbit Tuesday #47. I thought you would appreciate the fact that I’m putting off laundry anyhow…

    I remember when you started Tidbit Tuesday! I CANNOT believe it’s been a year! I have been reading these completely amazing, completely random posts every Tuesday (okay, 2-3 times I have read it on a Wednesday because of work and/or school obligations) BUT I’ve been reading it on Tuesdays for a year now. REALLY?! And I don’t think I’ve told you yet, but the new blog/website… no words. Has Sherri Taylor seen this yet? I can’t get enough of it… ask Ryan. I’ve been looking through it NON STOP!

    I have also been eating Nutella non-stop. Not only is my jar almost gone, but there’s this adorable little cafe down the street from my apartment and they have crazy good food AND crazy ice cream flavors. Seriously, I need to take you here. You choose your ice cream flavor (vanilla or chocolate) and then you choose your mix-ins… which number somewhere around 52, including Nutella. They out huge scoops of the mix-ins in and then mix them up with the ice cream with this mixer-upper machine. And yes, that is the technical term ;) Needless to say, I go there about 5 times a week. Bad for my health, maybe. Good for my soul and the rest of me, I think so!

    I also started buying Christmas decorations today! I’m going to make my apartment cozy and homey for the holidays and I can’t wait! Autumn, as much as I really do love you, I’m SO anxious to get these Christmas decorations up!

    And one last thought… Boston stores are still selling Flintstone Push-ups. Do I really need to tell you these used to be staples of my childhood?? (In addition to Flintstone vitamins and the cream inside Oreos.)

    Okay, now one last thought… I WANT TO VISIT TEXAS!!! :(
    Love youuu! <3

  • November 2, 2010 - 12:41 PM

    Jesslyn Amber - 1. I love TID BIT TUESDAY! Happy Anniversary! Every Tuesday I think, “Check Alyse’s blog!” :)

    2. I love your whole outfit in your picture. So pretty.

    3. WORD ON FLINSTONE PUSH UP POPS! And yes, I believe they’re still in production! My niece was eating one not long ago. And you can’t forget the Flinstone vitamins! ;)

    Okay… so now 3 random tidbits about me…

    1. My family lost me at Disney World when I was two years old, but I was safely recovered from a security guard 15-20 long mintues later. My family did not tell my grandparents about the incident until 7 years later. hahaha.

    2. I eat cherries and dill pickles from the jar…but don’t worry, not together! ;) And, I’m also a HUGE fan of pepper jack cheese. I buy the cheese snacks at Wal-Mart and eat them daily… Just pure cheese. Weird. Andddd I can eat a whole pizza by myself. I do that like once a week.

    3. I am OVERLY organized. I even make lists of lists that I need to make. Example:
    -Make a list of people I need to buy Christmas presents for
    -Make a list of things I need to clean
    -Make a list of groceries I need
    etc, etc….

    Thanks for sharing things with us about your life! You are so fun!

  • November 2, 2010 - 4:19 PM

    Kathy - 1)I just bought a ‘Halloween Bouquet’ for $2.49, original price, $12.99. My bargain of the day!

    2)Friends of Corey’s(whom one also happens to be a classmate of mine) just told me they heard a rumor at their work(Walmart Warehouse in Sharon) that Corey committed suicide. They panicked when they didn’t right away get ahold of him, and didn’t know how to get in touch with me. A great sigh was had by them when Corey called them back to ask ‘What’s up?’ I guess he roared with laughter when he heard. Put their fears at rest and lives on happily.

    3)Truth is stranger than fiction!

    4)I love your photography! Thank you for inviting me to be a friend.

  • November 2, 2010 - 7:25 PM

    Noël - Can’t wait till Christmas to see you guys!!!!!!

  • November 3, 2010 - 1:35 AM

    rae - I love my sister.
    Here are three of me – but you probably already know em’ Cled…
    1) I used to watch all 3.5 hours of Fiddler on the Roof TWICE a day.
    2) When I make myself pasta, I make the whole box. Always.
    3) I like Thanksgiving 20 times more than Christmas, because it’s the start of Christmas obsession – of course the music and the shopping start about a month earlier for me in reality, but Thanksgiving and watching Home Alone really make it real… :)

  • November 3, 2010 - 7:34 AM

    André - I began each day of my first year in school communicating with my boss, The Man From Uncle’s Mr. Waverly, in the kindergarten class bathroom. There I received my orders for the day while speaking into my No. 2 pencil.

    My initial and crucial test of an acceptable restaurant is a table that does not rock.

    I once rescued a hummingbird from a spider web. To thank me, the little wonder perched in the palm of my open hand for several enjoyable minutes while I pet him.

    I’m not going to lie… I love cheese, and I am close to certain that manna was actually cheddar, which leaves me to wonder why the Hebrews ever complained.

    A story I cannot seem to live down took place on the day of my sister-in-law’s wedding. I was sitting several pews back in a packed church, while a videographer made some final adjustments before the ceremony was to begin. In the process her hair got a little to close to a candle and her entire bun lit up quite spectacularly. Others would tell me later, that I hurdled the pews in front of me in my effort to arrive before the lady was rendered bald. I was greeted with the most peculiar expression as I started tamping down her burning head. She had no clue that she had become a human torch. Cheers filled the church, but I was too alarmed to receive anything congratulatory. My hands smelled like burning nylon for the rest of the day.

    Why is it said that donut holes are edible? Seems to me that if anything, they are breathable.

    While I and most Americans can claim little more than amounting to mutts, I do have some interesting characters in my pedigree. Included are Ponce de León the explorer, John Alden of the Mayflower and Abram Gill, who was gunned down by Kid Curry, the ruthless gunman of Butch Cassidy’s Wild Bunch.

    I am firmly convinced that when God made my middle child, he started laughing profusely in anticipation of her father’s joy. I feel as though I can almost directly quote him… “Wait ‘till he gets a load of her!”

  • November 3, 2010 - 11:26 AM

    Kristen Padula =) - ohh my goodness! i used to have flintstone pushups all the time at my grandparents’ house..and they were delish. if you find them somewhere, tell me =)
    ohh! You and Dylan are the Morriseys..precious.
    random things 1) almost every night i listen to lovely Jesus music as I fall misty edwards or phil wickham. it’s marvelous.
    2) i eat candy and ice cream and stuff like that in the a.m. too often.
    3) i love Alyse and her photo taking abilities =)

  • November 3, 2010 - 12:56 PM

    Breanna - Horray for the 1year of Tidbit Tuesday. And i need to add you look stunning in that photo.. now for my randomness, cause i am as bad as you.. i always wondered if Tidbit Tuesday was any relation to Tuesdays with Morrie.. but now Tuesdays with Alyse or if its just a coinkydink?! I love the christmas christmas.. and 1/2 christmas, if i could i would celebrate Christmas every day of the year i love it so much! I always put up our tree after my black friday shopping madness :-)

    The other day, Ben looked at me and said, “You are going to be my wife, and i am going to be your husbund, isn’t that weird to think about?” LoL it is very weird but i thought that was cute for him to say. So i understand what you mean about Dylan calling you the Morrisseys.

    Randomness: (1)I read “The Giver” just this year, i am sure you remember it. It is crazy how much i didn’t understand what the book was secretly saying when we read it in 6th grade with Mrs. Lane. But i loved it. I also own the BFG .. i don’t know if you remeber that one from Mrs Barton i think it was. Two of my favorite books! (2) I have a severe addiction to working out, if i miss have a day off and dont go to the gym i feel aweful.. but i really dont enjoy working out either – weird i know- (3) I am a shopaholic, i walk into the store to buy milk and come out with $100 dollars of stuff i didn’t need! (3) I have all my stuffed animals in a box in my attic – when i was a kid i always thought they really did come alive when i left the house and they had feelings too. I can’t bear to give them away. LoL

    That is all my post is becomming too long, Hope you enjoyed!

    XOXO Bre

  • November 3, 2010 - 8:35 PM

    Heidi - I love your pictures!!! I just wanted to say I too was the girl who never dyed her hair etc… just got blond(er) highlights than my natural color, and I won’t lie, I am in love. It was a fun change – I’d recommend giving something new a shot!

  • December 28, 2010 - 11:45 AM

    Tidbit Tuesday #55 | Alyse French Photography | Houston-Based Wedding and Lifestyle Photographer - […] year, during the Morrissey family Christmas Christmas gift swap, I won my OWN gift. It was carefully purchased with my neck, hair and ears in mind. (AKA […]

  • January 2, 2011 - 10:51 AM

    1 For Me // 1 For You | January 2011 | Alyse French Photography | Houston-Based Wedding and Lifestyle Photographer - […] it’s not really “the best part of wakin’ up” anyway. But I digress..) For Half-Christmas, all Dylan truly wanted was a Keurig. A Keurig B60 Special Edition Gourmet Single-Cup Home-Brewing […]